The No 1209H knob, a hand-hammered version of the late-19th-century original, exhibits a cool, restrained elegance, anticipating the Style Moderne in France by perhaps two decades. A large straight knurl rings the domed face of the knob. A similar knurl circles the ogee profile on the rose. A plain rose with an ovolo molding around the edge is also available. The knob is available in 2″, 2-1/4″, 2-1/2″, and 3″ diameters, as well as smaller diameters suitable for cabinetry. Backplates for cabinet knobs are available upon request at an additional cost. Alternative rose designs can also be provided with this knob. Full mortise entry locks, privacy locks, passage latches and tubular latches can be provided for use with this knob. All NANZ finishes are available.